
Get an education,
Get a job.
Get a better job.

War in the Middle East;

Buy a car.
Buy a better car.

Throw a big wedding,
Was it better than your friend’s wedding?

War in Africa;

Buy a house.
Buy a bigger house.
Isn’t it time for a better job?

War at home;

You must have a baby now before you get too old; then another.
Don’t forget that job.
Are you the best parent you can be?
Are you the best professional you can be?

War in everything;

The new neighbours, what’s their story?
Are they sponging off the state or are they earning more than us?

Why are you shouting Mummy; is it really because only 10 people liked your photo?
You look different Mummy; I liked your face before you had your snoring operation.
I think I’m fat Mummy; maybe I need to go on a diet.

War in ourselves;

Too fat; no cake for you. Hit the gym.
Too thin; eat some more.
Eat some more; guilt.

Are you the boss yet?
Make more money;
Buy a bigger house.
Why aren’t you fitting in an hour at the gym?

War on home turf;

Make sure you have the latest fashions,
Upgrade that car; get the latest gadgets.
Spend your money on dust,
Spend your time on spending your money.

Your friend got a promotion?
Look for a better job.

War in everything;

Starving African children in HD on your new 50 inch widescreen;

More importantly, where shall we go for dinner tonight?
It’s going on Instagram so it should be #aestheticallypleasing.

Also, haven’t you made £1m yet?
Rihanna made $73m last year and she was only 25.

War without explanation;

Suddenly your world gets turned upside down;
The C word, an accident, sudden illness.
You mean money won’t buy me immunity to tragedy?

Gone is the light that we have in us as children,
Children; blind to race, ethnicity, class and gender,
Blind to difference.

In floods the greed, jealousy and hatred,
Drowning us in war, destruction and killing.

War in everything;

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