• Poetry

    To Be Rich

    What does it mean to be rich? Is it being able to buy a lot of kitsch? Maybe it is choosing to fly in a private jet, Or making an incomprehensible bet. Lots…

  • autumn


    As the chilly breeze grazes my cheeks, The leaves crunch under my feet, The air smells of leaves and trees and woodenness, The array of oranges, ambers and browns dazzling. The evenings draw…

  • Poetry


    Get an education, Get a job. Get a better job. War in the Middle East; #savethecivilians Buy a car. Buy a better car. Throw a big wedding, Was it better than your friend’s…

  • Poetry

    A Poem to Time

    O Time, where do you run to? What do you do with yourself? Why do you leave us with so little of you? Each week, you wear yourself so thin, we hardly get a…